Women in Business
There was a rising number of successful women doing business in Uganda, all trading at different levels to contribute to Uganda’s economy. Much as most women were successful, many still failed to or gave up for various reasons. In a bid to address women’s business grievances.
Monitor Publications Limited (MPL) sought a strategic partnership with Dfcu Bank’s Women in Business program (dfcu WIB) and Uganda Investment Authority (UIA) to support women doing business in Uganda.
Over the years dfcu Bank has supported women in business who have succeeded and own inspirational stories of success, MPL thought it prudent to work with dfcu Bank on the project titled “Rising Woman”.

- Provide a platform for women in business to escalate their businesses to great heights.
- Showcase women in business through profiling and advertising in the media
- Provide women with financing solutions that meet their needs while negating the phobia for borrowing among women
- Position both dfcu, MPL and UIA as the leading solution providers for women in business
- Convert 20% of all Rising woman participants that are not dfcu bank customers to dfcu bank
- Position dfcu WiB as the number one banking solution for women in Uganda
- Dfcu/UIA to interface directly with over 5,000 women during the training and the business expo
- Dfcu/UIA to interface indirectly with over 15 million radio listeners, TV viewers, newspaper readers and digital influencers.
- Receive 150 exhibitor from within Uganda and the rest of East Africa.
Rising Woman Season 2
Are you a woman in business seeking to take your business to the next level? Then the Rising Woman initiative is ideal for you.

Application Procedure
To join the Rising Woman Initiative, participate in one of following activities:
1. Write a business proposal and stand a chance to win cash prizes of up to UGX 30Million.
- Your proposal should highlight your business idea
- What makes it unique
- Anticipated results
- Impact of the idea on the community
- Type of support required
After review of the proposals, the top 3 winners will win cash prizes of UGX 5 Million, UGX 10 Million and UGX 15 Million. The top 10 winners will win an all expenses study tour trip to Nairobi
Download and fill the proposal writing guidelines form and email it to WIBP@dfcugroup.com or submit it any dfcu branch, Daily Monitor offices countrywide, UIA offices or district commercial officers in the respective districts.
Applications closed on Friday 20th September 2019
2. Free Rising Woman business trainings
Attend any one of the Rising Woman business trainings that will take place in the major regional towns countrywide at no cost. The trainings will focus on:
- Basic business skills
- Business planning
- Enterprise management
- Getting financial support
- Winning tenders
- Marketing your products
Training Schedule
- Ishaka -> Crane Resort Hotel, Ishaka -> 10th & 11th July 2019
- Mbale -> Kayegi Hotel -Mbale -> 7th & 8th Aug 2019
- Gulu -> Kakanyero Hotel -> 11th & 12th Sept 2019
- Kampala -> Hotel Africana -> 2nd & 3rd Oct 2019