Technical Skills Training
UIA is working through a network of SME member Associations for example; Uganda Small Scale Industries Association (USSIA), Uganda Women Entrepreneurs’ Association Limited (UWEAL), Uganda Industrial Research Institute (UIRI) to provide hands-on training in value addition in the following;
- Dairy (processing and packaging of dairy products),
- Textile design (Tie and Dye),
- Motor Cycle Repair and servicing,
- Baking,
- Wine making,
- Charcoal briquettes making,
- Fruit Juice production,
- Soap manufacture among others.
MSMEs Technical Skills Training program is aimed at building capacities of MSMEs so that they may acquire the necessary basic skills to produce improved and high quality products that fetch high monetary values thus improving house hold income and promoting industrialisation.
The training is conducted by skilled and knowledgeable trainers and is targeted towards improvement in productivity and product quality of existing small businesses.
The training which is fully paid for by the government of Uganda is carried out in groups of 30-40 entrepreneurs in the various districts in Uganda. A total of 871 small business owners have been trained hands-on in various sub-sectors listed above.