Clean Development Mechanism Project
Project Duration : 2014 - 2017
The cooperation of Uganda Investment Authority (UIA) with GIZ GmbH- Promotion of Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Programme (PREEEP) constitutes the secondment of a Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) Technical Advisor to identify, appraise and provide in-process support for potential climate finance (especially CDM) projects and programmes.
Project Objectives
The objective of the cooperation is to support UIA’s active role as a stakeholder in promoting the private sector in climate change mitigation activities through:-
- Increasing the involvement of the private sector in the development of CDM projects and establish UIA as a central point for CDM developers in the fields of renewable energy and energy efficiency projects
- Identification of potential CDM projects, technical support for concrete project ideas especially in the development of business plans and financing schemes, and in preparation of feasibility studies and selection of suitable appraisers
- Identification of financial solutions for potential CDM projects
- Providing advisory support and create awareness on information about CDM to project developers, owners, investors as well as directly or indirectly to stakeholders
- Networking with other focal stakeholders on CDM, especially with the Ugandan Climate Change Unit and additional organisations that take part in climate change mitigation activities.
- Providing advisory support and create awareness on information about CDM to UIA’s staff