MUST students visit UIA

On Tuesday 02 May 2017, Uganda Investment Authority had the pleasure of hosting 48 final year students from Mbarara University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Business and Management Sciences pursuing Bachelor of Business Administration majoring in Accounting. The group was accompanied by Mr. Atwine Daniel Wanito the lecturer and coordinator of study tours and Dr. Nsambu Kijjambu Frederick the Deputy dean Faculty of Business and management sciences.
The study tour was particularly addressing the need for students to explore and learn beyond the corners if their usual lecture rooms. It was also aimed at broadening students’ academic knowledge and understanding through visibility and hands-on lecturers they obtain from practitioners.

UIA presented the key priority sectors highlighted in the National Development Plan II, the One Stop Centre services, incentives and requirement’s for obtaining a domestic or foreign investment license , after which there was a question and answer session in which MUST highlighted the need for UIA to increase its research and development function in order to guide young innovators on the areas of opportunity for their creativity as well as increase its engagement with investment clubs to guide them on areas of investment.

The ED (UIA) commended MUST on the great job of exposing the young leaders of tomorrow on acquiring investment knowledge, and applauded the fact that the university believed that as the students prepare to enter the job market, they should leave with a changed mind-set from job-seekers to potentially become job-creators. She also encouraged the students to understand that investors may not be born but can be created from our own human capital and emphasized the need for them to continue to be innovators and inventors.


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