The Hunan – Uganda Investment and Trade Cooperation Conference

Uganda Investment Authority, a government body in charge of attracting and facilitating investments in Uganda, organized and held a meeting with an entrepreneurial delegation from the Hunan Province, a mountainous province in southern China. The 40 delegates comprised of members from the government of China, Chinese entrepreneurs and the private sector all led by the Hunan Principal Director-General, Mr. Xu Xiang Ping.

It was goaded by powerful opening remarks from Prof. Jalobo Piwang who appreciated their wise choice to visit Uganda as their preferred African country for investment. He urged that Uganda has identified four (4) industrial parks for Science and Technological related business and calls upon the Hunan province to partner with UIA to develop these parks.

The Executive Director of UIA, Eng. Dr. Frank Sebbowa elucidated extensively the investment opportunities in Uganda with a strong focus on sectors of their interests that include, agro processing, mineral beneficiation, financial services, the energy sector and infrastructural development in Uganda’s industrial parks.
Mr. Xu valued the strong relationship between Uganda and China and he accentuated that Hunans are more than willing to transfer the Chinese technology to Uganda, create jobs, develop infrastructure and also engage in the financial sector.



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