The 17th East Africa Jua kali show, is taking place from 5th to 11th December 2016 at the Kampala Capital City Authority grounds under the theme “Buy East African MSME products to build East Africa”. It is organized by the EAC Secretariat in conjunction with the Ministry of Trade Industry and Cooperatives to showcase the stock of products locally made in East Africa.
The annual event is organized in each member country i.e. Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda, Burundi and South Sudan on a rotational basis. Last year’s Jua Kali Exhibition was held in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, while the previous ones were held in Kigali, Rwanda and Nairobi, Kenya, respectively. The exhibitions promote MSME products and have contributed to the improvement of their products and services through using the Jua Kali Exhibition platform to network and learn new technologies. This has promoted competitiveness and will contribute to the development of the East African Community economy as the region integrates more to form a formidable bloc on the global market. The exhibitions have been organized since 1999 and this year’s exhibition is the 17th edition.
Uganda Investment Authority (UIA) is one of the partnering agencies in Uganda and through its Small and Medium Enterprise Division, is promoting and disseminating information on the investment potential in various parts of the country through regional investment profiles. UIA is developing District Investment Profiles for the different parts of the country, with Teso, Karamoja and Buganda already completed and printed.